Sold Keebs
Custom built Corne MX Mini for customer. Glow caps are cool aren't they!?
Custom Corne Choc tented with cool RGB.
I should have picked a better name... Oops #Moonlander
My first time selling a Corne MX Cherry Mini. Also this was my first "High profile case"
These keycaps are in my top 3 favorites. #Cozy
My first wireless Lotus58 with a Nice View screen to top it off! #1UP
This was a fun build. I love customer custom builds. I never thought to use red keycaps with this type of blue case before.
Lotus58 such a fun build! It has the perfect combo between lily58 and Sofle.
Corne 5 column sculpted keycaps
Custom ordered Corne Choc Mini with sculpted keycaps.
This is by far my favorite build yet! The color of the case with the yellow displays. "Chefs Kiss" : )
Lily 58
Corne Wireless MX
Corne Choc Sculpted Keycaps
Corne Tented
Corne Tented
Corne Low Profile Keycaps
Corne Tented